Monthly Archives: March 2010

BlogExplosion: Approval waiting time down

As I’m writing this, this evening, the waiting time for approving blogs is down to 24 days ! We’ve made an extra large effort over the past week to get through the approvals. If your blog seems to have taken longer it could be because it has been put back into the queue. Sometimes there is doubt, sometimes in my case, I’m not sure about some of the technical blogs, so I put them back into the queue for the other approvers to see.

As I’ve been busy approving this week I haven’t had much time to see for my self about the lack of surfing numbers. I’ve tried surfing just now and the numbers are there. There haven’t been any complaints about this in recent days, but I don’t know if this means things are better or not. One thing is for sure that the stats for my blogs are well down at the moment. I just hope that we haven’t lost too many members because of this.

Visitors to the forums might have noticed that a member wasn’t too happy about remarks made about her blog. Please remember that BlogExplosion was designed with bloggers in mind; it is not for advertisers. At the end of the day after wading through blogs which shouldn’t be there and sometimes blogs that don’t exist anymore, my tolerance levels are pretty low. Having said that everyone is entitled to resubmit their blog, but please read the reason why. Sometimes it’s because the blogger hasn’t posted for a couple of months, not difficult to rectify at all!

Whatever the problems you come across I don’t think that there is any one to deal with tickets. Better to post something in the forums and get help and advice that way. It’s nice when people pop by to say hello anyway, the forums are pretty quiet at the moment.


Filed under - Pause -

Where is BlogExplosion going now?

The main problem at the moment is the loss of the numbers to click on while surfing. They do seem to come and go, so please keep trying. Refreshing the page will give you a new blog to read, but you won’t add credits. If you look in the forums you will find a thread under general announcements called ‘A letter sent to Live Universe’. This is an old thread, but recently members have been toying with the idea of writing to Google to see if they are interested in taking over BlogExplosion. Okay, this might not appeal to some, but could it get any worse than it is at the moment?

The waiting time to get your blog approved is still around 6 weeks. As I’ve said several times; 90% of what is in the queue shouldn’t be there. As one approver wrote recently, she almost holds a party when she comes across a genuine blog.

Again we seem to be waiting for something to happen….


Filed under - Pause -